The international project "Water World" is being held in Moscow. 

There are two forms of participation in the exhibition and competition: IN PERSON (offline) and in ABSENTIA (online).

Dates:  March 12-16, 2024
Registration deadline:  until March 11, 2024
Venue:  Center for Contemporary Arts and gallery "ART COMMUNE", Moscow, Kievskaya str., 2, TGC "Kievsky", 4th floor.


Step by step registration:

1 Step: registration

Offline and online participants send the same set of materials!
The author registers each work separately by following the link: REGISTRATION OF ARTWORKS FOR THE COMPETITION

A copy of the payment of the entry fee must be attached in the registration forms.
You can see the cost of participation in the section: а) "Participation fee" b) "Payment methods"

2 Step: preparation for exhibiting (for offline participants):
Prepare art objects for display at the exhibition.
Having received the label with the assigned number, the offline participant prints it and places it in the lower right corner of the art object. The labels can be attached both to a stretcher or canvas and to decorative elements (frames, stands, etc.).

3 Step: acceptance of works for the exhibition (for offline participants):
Offline works are handed in to the exhibition. Acceptance of offline works for the exhibition:
а) in Moscow: July 20, 2023, from 12:00 to 17:00 

Participation in the exhibition and competition
Technical regulations
Creative regulations
Participation fee


All registered works (online and offline) are exhibited at the exhibition center and participate in the competition program, in the following sections:
1. "PAINTING: water in paintings"
2. "GRAPHICS: water in graphic works"
3. "SCULPTURE: water in sculptures"
4. "PHOTOGRAPHY: water in photography and digital art"
5. "TEXTILE: water in textiles"
6. "DECOR: water in arts and crafts"

Each of the competition and exhibition programs includes nominations, which can be found in more detail in the section "Nominations".


1. The artwork must be original:
The project participant must be the creator of the artwork. Your art should be your own original concept, not a copy of someone else's copyrighted material. If your image infringes another person's copyright, it will be disqualified. By submitting your work to this competition, you are solely responsible for any copyright infringement on the materials. The organizing committee reserves the right to demand confirmation that the work submitted for the competition is your original work created only by you. Failure to comply with this rule will disqualify your application.

2. Copyright:
The artist retains all copyrights to his works without exception.

3. Non-exclusive permissions:
By participating in this competition, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual license to reproduce images of your works on our sites,,, in our newsletters and in the ART-WATER / WATER IN ART catalog, and in marketing this exhibition to the general public. The works will not be used for any other purpose other than those set out here.All participating and winning art objects will be displayed on the designated sites. Each art object submitted to the competition becomes a part of the public, historical and archival online catalog of the International Festival / Exhibition-Competition of Animalistic Art "ART-WATER". It can be removed later at the request of the author.

4. Criteria for evaluation:
- Craftsmanship and quality of execution
- Originality and innovation
- The degree of influence on the viewer

5. Collective presentation of art objects:
In the International Exhibition-Competition of Art “ART-WATER” it is possible to take part both for individual authors and creative teams, while the number of team members is not regulated. Дипломы и награды получает конкурсный арт-объект. If necessary, the organizing committee can issue diplomas for each co-author (additional payment for the paper diploma form will be required).



1. Forms of presentation of art objects at the exhibition
There are two forms of participation in the project: OFFLINE and ONLINE.
Offline participation implies the presentation in the exhibition space of originals or copies of artworks, in the format determined by the author. The author independently delivers offline work to the exhibition.
Online participation includes the provision of photographs of art objects to the organizing committee in electronic form. The sent files are processed and printed by the organizing committee (at least A3 format) and placed in the exposition.

2. Number of art objects presented / Multiple representation:
There are no restrictions on the number of art objects submitted to the competition. There is no limit on the number of competitions and nominations to which an artist can submit a work. But it is necessary to take into account that each declared art object is evaluated as an independent work.

3. Dimensions of offline art objects:
Art objects presented in person must not exceed 150 cm. On the larger side.

4. File sizes and formats:
All participants are published in the catalog of the "WATER WORLD" project, therefore it is necessary to send to the competition photo images of works with a resolution of at least 200dpi or at least 1100px on the short side. Allowed file formats: .jpg, .tiff.



Artworks will be exhibited as follows:
а) The classic form is the author's (the originals or copies prepared for the exhibition are provided by the author).
b) Exposition of photocopies at the exhibition in the art catalog, works are printed on paper (correspondence participation)

More about the forms of exposure:

I. OPTION "OFFLINE PARTICIPATION": the classic form of exhibiting art objects
The works are exhibited on wall surfaces or placed on pedestals / stands / racks and published in the Water World catalog.
The author receives the following range of services:
1) Placement of works at the exhibition;
2) Mandatory publication in the catalog (catalog copies are purchased through the website;
3) Diploma of the participant or winner;
4) Participation in the competitive program.
Additional features:
1) participants and / or winners receive discounts for their subsequent participation in the project;
2) from the works that participated in the exhibition, an exhibition will be formed, which will be exhibited in the Feodosia Art Gallery named after I.K. Aivazovsky in 2022;

II. OPTION "ONLINE": presentation of photocopies:
Photocopies of the competition works are printed on paper (A3), placed at the exhibition and published in the "Water World" catalog.
The author receives the following range of services:
1) Placement of works at the exhibition;
2) Mandatory publication in the catalog (catalog copies are purchased through the website;
3) Diploma of the participant or winner;
4) Participation in the competitive program.
Additional features:
1) participants and / or winners receive discounts for their subsequent participation in the project;
2) from the works that participated in the exhibition, an exhibition will be formed, which will be exhibited in the Feodosia Art Gallery named after I.K. Aivazovsky in 2022;